Monday, January 30, 2012

starry field


Do u still remember the night of dat summer… 
Its the most beautiful sky I’ve ever seen

Soft,warm,sweet. .slowly. .makes a rush life to be calm for a while. .starry starry night. .

A peaceful happiness. Run away from the crowd. On a meadow under the blinking dark nite. .n the wind blows as the silence stops the time.

the most precious things are Priceless

Sunday, January 29, 2012

dream song




i wrote this article some days ago. It was part of my writing task. And today i got the result, the lecturer gave me an A. . yayyy. . .alhamdulillaah :D. But it is not that really good, just the simple and shorter one.

This is for them who ask. . .what is dream. . . 


Literally, dream has two meanings. 
  • First, dream is an imagination which appears when someone is deep in sleep. This kind of dream will disappear when someone wakes up. Sometimes, it is about bad things and sometimes about good things. The funny part is that mostly people forget what kind of dreams that they had last night. Also, people usually don’t know when a dream is started. When someone is sleeping and start to dream, they will suddenly be in a middle of an event. We won’t realize it until we wake up and think that we have just dreamed something.

  • The second meaning states dream as a wish or hope that someone’s heart makes. Whatever they want and wish to be true. There is also a proverb, “hope is a dream which doesn’t sleep. ” it means that a dream is something which people can achieve in real life. Having dreams is a reason why someone is alive ( btw i dont forget if the reason why a human is alive is actually to pray to Allah ta'ala . here what i mean is someone who lives must have a purpose in his life ) If there is a question when someone is stop dreaming, the answer is when they are dead. As long as someone is still alive, he will always be able to make any dream and have many chances to make it true. It depends on how hard they give effort to make it true, also how much he prays to Allah.

  • One more thing about having dreams is that people usually don’t remember when they have decided to make or have a dream they also must be ready to have the probability of failures. A good dreamer will not be upset when they get many failures. They will just keep their heads up and carry on reaching their dreams.

There are also many people who say that they have many dreams. But also many of them only say or imagine it but never make any action to pursue their dreams come true. I can say if their dreams are not real dreams. Those are only day dreams. And it is not a good thing. They will be trapped in a fairy tale dream only. It is like someone who stays in a fake safe zone and wastes his time to live in an imaginary world. And finally, it is just like someone who were dead although they are still alive. Then, if someone has decided to have a dream, he must STRIVE MORE AND MORE TO ACHIEVE IT.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Someone's Waiting For You


The song Someone's Waiting for You from the movie The Rescuers. this sweet, sad song that plays while Penny is crying while wishing for someone to save her. this clip comes from a Sing Along Songs video so as the song begins the lyrics will appear. this is one of those songs that makes you want to cry - at least you know it will end in happily ever after, that's Disney for you, and i wouldn't have it any other way

Be brave little one
Make a wish for each sad little tear
Hold your head up though no one is near
Someone's waiting for you

Don't cry little one
There'll be a smile where a frown used to be
You'll be part of a love that you see
Someone's waiting for you

Always keep a little pray'r in your pocket
And you're sure to see the light
Soon, there'll be joy and happiness
And your little world will be bright
Have faith little one
'til your hopes and your wishes come true
You must try to be brave little one
Someone's waiting to love you

Always keep a little pray'r in your pocket
And you're sure to see the light
Soon, there'll be joy and happiness
And your little world will be bright
Have faith little one
'til your hopes and your wishes come true
You must try to be brave little one
Someone's waiting to love you

Mengambil Pelajaran dari Mereka


Semua yang kita jalani di dunia emang soal pilihan. Termasuk dengan siapa kita melabuhkan hati, dan dimana pada nantinya kita akan menjalani hidup bersamanya. Takdir kita sendiri yang menentukan, tapi semua ini tetap ada di bawah kehendak Allah ta'ala. 

Kemarin aku baca soal blog yang nyeritain kisah seorang perempuan Indonesia yang akhirnya menikah dengan orang turki dan akhirnya tinggal di sana. Tapi ternyata banyak banget pertentangan yang dia dapet di sana karena si suami meskipun mengaku islam, tapi dia adalah penganut aliran alevi. Meskipun mereka menganggap diri mereka muslim, tapi mereka nggak pernah solat dan bahkan yang perempuan tidak diperbolehkan memakai kerudung. Bagi mereka, berbuat baik bagi sesama sudah lebih dari cukup. Jadi yg ada cuman hablumminannass. . .hablumminallaahnya less bgt. Ibadah mereka kalo aku liat (dulu pernah keluar di TV One) banyakan pake tarian n nyanyian, dan mengagung2kan Sahabat Rasulullaah Sholallahu alayhi wassalam. . .Ali Radiyallahu anhu aja plus 12 imam mereka. 
Kasian si mbak yang menikah dengan orang turki tadi, karena dia pada akhirnya harus melepas jilbabnya karena ditentang seluruh keluarga. Tapi meskipun begitu, dia masih memegang teguh prinsip2 lainnya, seperti sholat dll. . dia juga ngajakin n membimbing suaminya agar mau kembali ke jalan yang benar. Dan suaminya pun sekarang alhamdulillaah sudah semakin membaik dan mereka memutuskan buat pindah rumah biar pertentangan dengan keluarga si suami bisa dihindarkan. Kisah mbak ini memang penuh konflik, tapi jadi pelajaran juga. . .jangan melihat dari hanya status muslimnya saja, tapi ajaklah diskusi lebih dalam agar tau pemahaman apa yg dia anut. Madzab aja udah bikin pusing. . .apalagi yang akidahnya melenceng kaya alevi ini. T.T. .

Beda lagi dengan tadi aku baca di facebook. Si mbak ini menikah dengan orang Russia. Dan banyak orang yang bertanya kenapa dia mau menikah dan tinggal di tempat yang mayoritas manusianya bukan muslim. Dan dia menjawab kalo dia lebih suka hidup di negara seperti itu, karen urusan dengan Tuhan adalah urusan pribadi masing2. Dan banyak yang komen status nya. . .aku lihat semua mendukung keputusan si Mbak itu. Aku sempat ngamatin juga dari postingan2 dia tentang keluarganya di turki. Ya. . .semua kembali ke soal pilihan hidupnya. Tapi aku lihat cara didiknya terhadap putrinya. . .agak sayang kalo menurutku. Dibiasakan dengan hal-hal yg terlalu bersifat duniawi, dan akhirnya si anak menganggap itulah yang benar. Seperti dengan kado2 yang berjibun jumlahnya di hari pergantian tahun (mungkin karena emng budaya russia gitu ya), and elses. . .

Ada lagi. . .seorang akhwat Indonesia yang menikah dg WNA dan tinggal di Inggris. Aku salut sama mbak ini karena dia begitu teguh memegang prinsip dan akidahnya. Bahkan dia bekerja di sebuah rumah sakit dengan tetap berhijab dengan baik. Meskipun dalam standar rumah sakitnya, mereka diharuskan memakai lengan pendek dengan dalih higienitas. Toh si mbak itu tetap aja ga menggubris peraturan itu..dan sampai sekarang alahmdulillah ga ada hal buruk yang mengganggunya. Dari mbak ini aku belajar bagaimana dia memandang dunia barat, dan memang sebaiknya tetap berkumpul dengan komunitas muslim.

dari mereka. . setidaknya aku belajar. Semua bukan hanya sekedar menikah dengan seseorang yg berbeda latar belakangnya dari segala sisi. . .tapi juga tantangan berat yg akan dihadapi kedepannya. Tapi inshaaAllaah akan lebih mudah jika si pasangan memiliki pemahaman yang sama. InshaaAllaah. .