Friday, November 25, 2011

being a mom


It’s such a kind of thing that actually I wanna tell from a mom’s side, but yeah. . .i haven’t been a mother yet. But I really prise that responsibility, sincerely.

I really mean it, when saying being a mom is a best responsibility as a woman. It’s not easy, and every step on it is not a try. . .but a fight. I wish that someday I would be given that responsibility. Really pray to Allaah. . .

U might feel tired, u might feel so bored someday, or got too upset just like nobody stand by you to give hand. That’s just because u forget bout the meaning of being parents, mom of your sons and daughters, also a wife for a husband. When u see smile on your kids faces, u will know. This is something that is worthy to fight for. .

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Some people underdog this kind of task, cause many think it’s only part or traditionality that a modern woman shouldn't care anymore. . .hmmmm. . . .

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It was Inspiredly Written after watching “Motherhood” and “Oh My Lady” <3 (Sept, 14th 2011)
these movies told me about how brave a mom could be, even when they're feeling so tired with their responsibilities they just needed to look at their kids eyes n got the spirit again, also how much love that they could give without asking any demand. . .

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