Monday, November 28, 2011

Cool girl doesn't cry


Sometimes, I feel so sad. Many have the same deals I think. When we want or wish or dream something sooo much and got to see someone else own it, feels so bad in heart. Jealousy. Maybe. . .
Sometimes like cant stand to weap tears on cheeks,  and when trying hard to hold it. .  .feels like a giant meatball in throat. . .stuck in there for a sometime. .

I get down on my knees n pray to Allaah. . .wish He would give me the chance to get also. . .
No. . .i never blame my Rabb, cause I know Allaah knows the best for His people.

And someone said. . . “Be a cool girl.” Simple words that always give me a support. No matter how hard, no matter how sad, no matter how you wanna cry, just don’t let them win over you. Don’t let them make you cry, don’t let your jealousy make you think negatively, don’t make those petty things. . . give you a hundred reasons to cry !! You are strong, you are happy, and you will get what you really want.  .someday, inshaaAllaah. . . .then make those hopes give you a million reasons to smile . .:). . .
And yes I am. .  .I AM A COOL GIRL and world wont make me cry.

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